I like to run, and I run a lot. I’m not particularly good at it, and I’m definitely not attractive when I do it, but I almost always feel better after I do it. When I’m traveling, I try to figure out a way to run wherever I am. I’ve spent some time running around parking lots and through those weird housing developments, and doing that kind of sucks. I was rewarded, however, by the opportunity to run around St. Croix State Park recently.
I go running as early as possible. I don’t use an alarm clock, so when I’m at home this means any time between 7am and 8am. When I’m not at home though, I’m usually on a schedule, so this morning, I think I probably got to the park around 6:45.
A few weeks ago, St Croix State Park was hit by a tornado. Now, this park is huge. Huge enough that there were distinct sections of the park that were very obviously wrecked, and distinct sections that were nearly untouched.
It was strange to drive through about two miles of completely normal looking forest, then all of a sudden, be surrounded by bent, flattened, broken forest. All told though, it was a beautiful morning and a beautiful run. I did see four white-tail deer, but they were too quick for me to photograph.