So, I really, really like going to museums. We spent most of our NYC/DC trip going to museums. There is zero pressure or obligation in going to a museum as a trip; you don’t have to be anywhere at a specific time unless you want to go to a special exhibit, and you’re free to decide which areas you want to go to first, second, third etc. We almost never make it through an entire museum when we go because we’re really, really slow in the areas we really like. I probably spent over an hour in just the American Museum of Natural History’s Rose Center for Earth and Space Hall of the Universe. FORGET the Metropolitan Museum of Art; I think we were there for a few hours and saw only about ¼ of it, and it would easily take four or five trips for us to see all exhibits. I really REALLY like going to natural history museums. I am all about DINOSAURS and OUTER SPACE and ANIMALS and BUGS. So, during a visit to Milwaukee, we hit up the Milwaukee Public Museum, which my husband has been to many times, and apparently I’ve been there before (in grade school?) but have no direct recollection of ever going.
Of course, this presents something of a dilemma for my poor husband. Taking me to a natural history museum guarantees that I’ll be in a good mood the whole day. It also guarantees that I’ll make an utter fool of myself in public and embarrass him because I pretty much turn into an eight year old boy at museums. Guaranteed, I spend the first five minutes pretending I’m a dinosaur (T-Rex, specifically) and stomp around with mimicked short arms and three fingers biting him repeatedly. Interspersed in this carnival is me whining about wanting to see either the outer space exhibit or the dinosaur exhibit RIGHT NOW.
Now that I have a camera and three blog readers, I also feel compelled to take photos of every stupid thing I find because they are ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS and I MUST SHARE THEM. This is the only reason I have this photo:
I do actually have cool photographs of the butterfly room and the village thingie, which I’ll share later, but I leave you with this photo of another diorama, which, if I had to guess, probably pretty accurately reenacts what you’d see if you ran into me at a natural history museum.
LOVE the pics. I also love that museum. The T-Rex exhibit is one of my earliest museum memories. My brother cried and I was brave (I think I was about 3 and he was 2). It was awesome.